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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pictures From Adeylnne's First Week of Life

I wanted to add a few pictures that Josh had taken during Addy's first week of life. Enjoy!

Our friend, Nurse Jeannie, does Adelynne's first prints and first bath!

The First time Sittee got to hold her! Sittee was with us during labor and delivery!

 Jidu and Mema seeing Addy for the first time. The long wait is over!
 Kisses from Mema!
 Papa and Mema
 Mema's first time holding Addy

 Papa's first time holding Addy. It's okay Mema, she'll stop crying soon!
Uncle Joey's first time seeing Addy!
 Uncle Joey's first time holding Addy

 Jidu's first time holding Addy!
 Hi Jidu!
 Jidu and Sittee!
 Addy leaked on Jidu! He looks proud!
 Back in the arms of Mommy!
Auntie Steph brought the kids by for a visit. Emma can't wait to hold her!
 Emma's first time holding Addy
 Nanny and Grandpa Val came for a visit the next day!

 Auntie Mel Mel also came for a visit! She wore her Ducks shirt...pretty sure she wants to start Addy out young!
 Jidu came back for more!
 Auntie Lizzie's first time holding Addy! She looks very pleased!

 Mema and Addy
 Papa and Addy
 Love this picture of Uncle Joey with Addy. He loves like a happy hobbit!
 Josh and his family with Addy
 Snuggin with mom before heading home on Saturday...
Mom and Dad stayed at our home. Mom had prepared an amazing Lebanese feast for us all to enjoy when we came home on Saturday night! Boy did it hit the spot!
Our four legged todler, Cocoa awaiting the arrival of his mommy and daddy and new baby sister!

 Sittee getting Cocoa ready! He wore a sign that said Welcome Home Sis!
 Cocoa seeing his mommy for the first time in 4 days! Boy I missed my little guy!
 Mommy and Daddy showing off Addy to Cocoa...he did great! Just wanted to sniff a lot!
 Back to snugs with mommy ( I sure swelled up a lot...felt like an umpa lumpa!)

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