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Monday, November 5, 2012

Of barking dog, crying baby...

This morning I shall call a "comical morning." And in the midst of the chaos, I found laughter. Adelynne is doing a better job staying awake during the day after feedings, at least the last two days have been better. But when she gets tired, she gets super cranky cra cra! I thought I'd take advantage of her cute awake coo's and smiles and jump in the shower. So I set her down in the bassinet and made sure my four-legged toddler (Cocoa) was behaving himself.

I wasn't in the shower for more than a minute and Addy begins crying. The crying began gradual and then turned into wailing. I thought I'd try talking to her from the shower and then I started singing, but to no avail. Needless to say I didn't enjoy a long shower (it's all good though). I got out of the shower to find my beagle in my rocking chair with his back against the sound of the crying and my baby in such misery. It didn't take long for the crying to stop. I held her in my arms, wet hair dripping down my towel wrapped body. I wrapped her in her blanky and began to walk and bounce with her. I started singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" and she finely settled down.

By this point, my beagle decides he's had enough of Addy's crying and wanted to compete. So with my calmed baby in my arms and while I'm singing, Cocoa decides to start in on his wailing (he noticed another dog outside). "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" never sounded so grand! But then my two children decided to trade off because they just have to keep mom guessing. Cocoa finally quieted down and sat down by my feet and then Addy began crying again (because they both can't be good at the same time).

Now I'm seriously laughing out loud, louder than any text LOL can convey, while trying to still sing! I decided to walk with the children downstairs. Cocoa went outside and Addy went in her vibrating bouncy chair. Somewhere between I had set the baby down for two seconds to get some clothes on and tie my hair back. We were temporarily good. Addy began fussing again though, so I thought I'd try vacuuming (she is a baby that loves noise; it lulls her to sleep). So I started vacuuming our furniture and carpet. After about 5 minutes she was nearly asleep. Cocoa decided he wanted to come back inside, but I tried to keep him out for a bit longer (my justification for trying to enjoy clean, hair-free furniture for at least five minutes). I went on to finishing mopping the hardwood floors (a job I began before attempting a shower). Once that was done I felt better and like I had accomplished a few things off my list.

Don't worry, the hair-free couches are not staying hair-free for long and Addy is now awake but content to bounce. And now I can work on some free-lance for a bit (hopefully) then on to the other things on the list.

Just had to share a few moments from the life of a new mommy.

1 comment:

Heather oster said...

I just love this...I remember those days Oh so well!! This just totally cracks me up. Somedays I miss all of the baby chaos but now I get a teenager and an 8 yr old whose crying has now turned into arguing...I think I'd rather have crying! :) wanna trade?!?? LOL Hope all is well miss you guys!!!