Addy and I decided to venture this summer to our yearly middle school camp. And I'm so glad we did.
Anyone with a little one knows full well that traveling with them doesn't look the same as when you were single and able to go and do as you'd like. Back then, there wasn't nap schedules to be conscious of, snacks and sippy cups to pack and a whole new plethora of kid-like things to haul around with you. But all of those things considered, I was really quite thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful week with our students and staff from the conference. And it's amazing how many things look different to you coming back to camp as a parent, then just as a staff member.
Addy and I drove alone to camp (along with Alice, who is pictured here).
Not all was a tragedy though.
She and I actually had an overall really great time...good mommy and daughter road trip bonding time.
I checked out some books and CD's for our drive and DVD's for some quiet time help when we arrived at camp. Turns out the library was a life saver.
We found a new favorite CD by Smithsonian folk artist, Elizabeth Mitchell.
Addy wanted to listen to "Little Bird" over and over...
...and over for about the last 45 minutes of our trip.
I didn't mind.
It kept her occupied and happy and the song makes me thing of happy times as a child. Nothing wrong with that.
We were so thankful to our friends for letting us borrow their air-conditioned trailer.
Did I mention air-conditioned???
We were ready to tent-it and thought Addy would do decent, since she loves the outdoors and cries when she has to come inside. Nevertheless we were worried a tad about nap time and bed time in a hot tent with lots of noise around.
The trailer proved to be a God-send.
The first night was rocky, trying to arrange a good spot for Adelynne to sleep. The pack-n-play was our best option but it meant moving around a chair in the corner. She wasn't ready for a big girl bed and camp wasn't the time to try this out. So after some first night fiasco's and ton's of patience, we finally got it figured out.
Josh was so excited to act as camp director this year. He's been on staff for so long, he knew the ropes and I feel did a truly fantastic job. He had the world's greatest staff by his side and the week seemed to run smooth.
I was thankful to be able to co-teach a class this year on the topic of the Sabbath: Recharge.
I've missed teaching. And, like playing guitar, the longer I'm away from the opportunity to express that passion, the less adequate I feel at it. So this was a nice come-back.
Check out these awesome red solo cups I found Josh for communion with the staff the first night! Sorry...just had to share.
Spiritually, this week was so refreshing for me.Look at that view. Triangle Lake in all of it's morning glory.

Each morning, this guy and I were the first to be awake. He's been a pastor in our conference for many years. His family rocks my world.
I was very blessed to see him awake and in the Word and even helping to clean up the camp water front and Lodge. What an example he was to me.

I love the way she sleeps.

Aside from co-teaching and taking care of Addy, I had a few other minor responsibilities this year. I had the thought of setting up a few crafts to be done during free time. Not all of them got completed, mostly because I wasn't always available to be there orchestrating them.
Overall, the week was unique and great and stretching. I've often wondered how other mom's with their little's make these trips work. Let's just say I have a lot more respect for them doing that and I personally feel like it's something I can cross off my bucket list. It was the longest trip away from home thus far. Addy and I only went two nights on our missions trip in March. Nevertheless, I'm thankful for the time and experience. I'm thankful to experience these things that Josh and I have loved doing with the youth for years, now with Addy by our side. And I'm equally thankful for the friends who helped to make this trip a little bit easier and possible and for the family who stayed with our four legged toddler for the week. It's nice knowing as Addy gets older that these trips are becoming more and more possible and it's wonderful sharing the experiences now with fellow mom's and dad's and kids who are also serving in youth ministry with us.
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