Their minds are capable of conceiving such wonders.
We had two bunches of flowers that were ready to be tossed but I thought I would make good use of them before then. Addy has been fighting a tummy bug so this sort of activity was great to temporarily get her off of the couch and into some fresh air.
I took the flowers, some scissors, Addy's magnifying glass from her doctor kit, and our box we use for anything from stations, to playdoy, to sand.
The little scientist began exploring all the parts of the flower.
The petals...
She started to see that if she held the magnifying glass not as close to the flower that it
would look really big!
I also talked with her about the stem. I had her feel the different stems. Some were prickly, others were a bit smooth. I taught her about how a stem carries with it all of the vitamins it needs to help a flower to grow.
Then for fun, we watered them when we were done!
Of course Cocoa had to stick his nose in it and drink the water...oh beags.
We talked about veins on a leaf. I showed her my veins and her veins.
We took a little walk and explored a few more things we found in nature. We observed some leaves that were starting to change color for fall (mom was really excited for this).
Then we came back and cooled off.
It was a fun little adventure.
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