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Sunday, June 10, 2012

What a Mom to Be Can Learn From Her Beagle

Our beagle is nine months old. Cocoa is a good beagle for the most part. We heard horror stories about beagles before we got him. They have a horrible howl, they can't be trained and they chew everything imaginable. Most of those things have been at least somewhat true of our Cocoa.

I often say that Cocoa is preparing me for motherhood in more ways than one. He's a snuggle bug who knows how to play his cards right, like a typical child. He can rough house with dad and then can come to mom for the love and protection. No matter how hard I try to mimic a deep manly voice, he still listens best to his father's voice. So, I just threaten in my motherly sounding voice, "Cocoa, just you wait till your father gets home!"

He greats us as we walk in from a day's work with lots of kisses and wagging of his tail. He's spastic, full of humor with a naughty side. And yes, he chews most things, including toys we thought would be dog proof.

All of this to say Cocoa has me baby proofing the house before the baby get's here, cleaning up his toys and chew sticks that are scattered throughout the house and scrubbing his piddle accidents when he doesn't make it outside in time. Like a child, he loves his naps a few times a day, preferably on our laps. Prior to his mid-morning nap, he is consequently similar to a toddler who hasn't had their nap. He can be nippy and plain old disobedient.

Cocoa has had a few privileges to be around babies and toddlers in our home. We're trying to gradually work with him, preparing him for having a little one around. So far he's been decent, but my stress level at times goes up thinking of what the little beags will be like when baby girl gets here. Can I put her down on the floor and know that he will behave himself? Will he be a tyrant? I'm already in mommy mode thinking how to appease the older child (the four legged one) and give him the time and love and attention he'll need, as well as cater to the needs of our newest (two legged) addition. It's a lot to tango sometimes!

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