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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Fun in the Snow and Remembering the Hurting

Snow days are fun...for most of us.

I like to enjoy the winter wonderland from the inside of a cozy warm home, fireplace going and a cup of hot coffee in my lap.

Who am I fooling?! That's my ideal but it doesn't happen all day! I get moments of that. Our little girl has enjoyed playing in the snow twice and probably would have stayed out longer if Mama wasn't so concerned about her catching cold and if her snow boots actually fit her and didn't fall off.

But snow days are a game changer and can be quite frustrating for many people. This morning I'm reminded of those around me hurting and in pain. The beauty of the outdoors is not enjoyed but its very existence is cursed.

Before the storm here started on Thursday, I was getting into my car and left work on Wednesday. One of our homeless buddies who comes into the coffee shop to get warm and wash up for a few minutes was just coming in as I was getting off. I've given him a cup of coffee every once in a while and bought him a breakfast sandwich once or twice. He always makes me remember my humanity.

He's a sweet guy. I'd honestly love to just sit and chat with him more often. As I left work and filled up my car with gas, frustrated by the rising prices, I think the Holy Spirit convicted me. I heard in my spirit a voice that counteracted my frustrations. "What about the homeless who don't have a warm home to go to, a nice king sized bed to snuggle in with their love, a homemade meal shared by family. What about...??

Suddenly the price of the gas going into my car didn't matter.

I looked for my buddy as I left the gas station across from my coffee shop. I didn't see him. And then I felt horrible for not talking more with him.

This morning as I'm enjoying the funny expressions of my daughter and a warm cup of coffee with my husband, I'm reflective.

I'm thankful.

I'm remembering those hurting around me.

A few nights ago a few high school students, some that we know, hit black ice. One is in critical condition with possible brain injuries at OHSU.

This morning I read Joey mom's update.
One word she use to describe their family this morning was "vulnerable." That really hit me. When difficult situations come to a family or an individual it truly is like every thing you've known to be stable is now laid open, bare before everyone. Their family is hurting, asking hard questions, praying for strength. It's a parent's worst nightmare.

I think of others around me suffering from physical pain (the beauty of outside adding to their depression, to the hurt). I think of those around me who are unemployed, struggling to put food on their tables. I think of my own family who has endured and are working to overcome past pain and misery.

This morning before Addy and Josh were up, the beagle and I got cozy in my favorite chair by the window. I've been studying about The Feasts of the Lord. It hit me that God gave us these feasts that were to serve as a rememberance of what He had done for them and what he had brought them through. I may not celebrate those exact feasts (although I've been giving that some thought), but I would say I do have many moments in my life of remembering what God has lovingly taken me through and rejoicing where I was today by his grace!

Watching Pioneer Woman and looking for "cows" with Mama

Her buddy "O"

"O" trying to get Addy to try the snow...

First snow angel attempt....

Addy didn't want to fall asleep last night. Instead she indulged in her first taste of popcorn (which she looooved!) and watched the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics

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