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Monday, March 31, 2014

March Madness?!

March brought with it many new and exciting adventures. 

First there was the preparation for Children's Day at church. Addy was totally into the entire room filled with balloons, waiting to be put up. 

Then there was the Missions Week at church. Here she is practicing banging the Indian Drum with Tami! 

My beautiful Life Group came over for a dinner and movie night. I made homemade beans in the crockpot, homemade tortillas and a little Mexican feast. I love these girls! 

Watching, "Princess Bride." 

Our good friends Taleah and Naomi came over for a girls play date. Yes, I know this is March and yes I may still have some Christmas decorations up (Addy liked the lights, okay?!). I made Lemon Blueberry Scones! Yummmm...

The girls practiced washing dishes. 

And made some beautiful pictures! 

We had a few beautiful night walks. 

Josh turned 33!!!!! We celebrated with a family day trip to Cabella's. After three hours there we may have still had things to see! Fun place!! 

"Elephant goes toot." 

A bear in his natural habitat! 

"Hey Jack!" 


"Addy Crocket?!" 


One of my favorite outfits on her. 
We had some friends over for Josh's birthday. We did a "bring your own topping" homemade pizza night! 

The garlic rolls turned out really yummy! 

I have no idea how to use this or hold this...

We had a fun play date with our friends Dorota and WJ! 

"Nooo kiss, Addy." Such a priceless picture. 

Cupcakes I made for youth group for Josh's b day! Boy, it's like we celebrated all month! 33 is quite the event, apparently. Thin Mint cupcakes with butter cream frosting. 


Experimenting with Quinoa

Making lots of homemade applesauce...

Daddy walk by the river, while mommy was at work..."Rocks!" 

Blurry picture, but this was her first braid I got to do in her hair!! 

Piggy tails and big girl sippy cup! 

"Vrrooom Voooom"

Getting ready for summer?! 

Working on a lesson for Life Group

More walks and exploring! 

Sittee and Jidu!!! 

"Bonnie!!!" "Goats!!!" 

On our way to our missions trip!!! 

Some of the crazy crew!

Our room shared with our wonderful friends!!! 

Taking selfies with her Auntie!! 

I'm a little obsessed with watching her sleep... Too weird??? 

They worked and prayed soooo hard....

"Come on guys!!" Driving the bus! 

I had to capture this cutie in her pony tail! 

Turkey Chili and Cornbread at the end of a long week of the missions trip. 

Chillin' with my Life Group!! Recapping our Spring Breaks. 

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