Easter this year was quite busy but super fun.
We were able to celebrate a mix of both sides of our families traditions, enjoy the fellowship of our brothers and sisters at church on Resurrection Sunday and also have a little bit of our own time with Addy.
Excuse all of the pictures but we have a lot of fun memories from that weekend.
We started off with a visit from Sittee and Jidu. One of my biggest memories growing up around holidays always involved helping my mom make such amazing meals that our family and friends could enjoy. I was so blessed to have shared these memories with my mom and for Josh and Adelynne to be a part of them.
Here's some of what we made and chowed down on:
It was indeed a labor of love but we're so glad we got that time with them!
We colored eggs with Addy for the first time! Ohhh my what a fun experience to see all of this through her eyes. She had a blast! Josh did a great job teaching her how to dunk the eggs and let them sit and then how to get them out to dry.
One of the things we use to do as a family on Easter morning was to make sausage, fried dough (like an Elephant Ear) and crack our eggs. We played a game with the eggs to see who had the strongest un-crackable egg. We taught Adelynne how to play it.
Our girl LOVES sausage!!
Mom and I making fried dough together! Fun memory!
Addy, naturally, loved the fried dough!
Then we did a little Easter Egg Hunt with Addy so she could find her presents from Sittee and Jidu.
Her favorite was a Peter Rabbit talking bunny who read the story of Peter Rabbit. She held him in her arms and dropped to the floor with him giving him the BIGGEST hug. So cute.
I had to work the morning of our annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt (so bummed I had to miss it). But Josh got to take Addy and I'm so glad he did! She loved it. And he snagged these super cute pictures of her for me. It had started to drizzle when they were out there and then shortly turned into down pour.
Then later that afternoon when I got off we drove on down to yet another Easter Egg Hunt at Mema and Papa's church! This was a HUGE event full of tons of kids. We feared rain but thank the Lord it held off great! Addy loved this so much.
With her Mema and Papa!
Papa "helping" her!
What a great time we had! Silly Addy wouldn't look at the camera!
I came up with this little basket for Addy this year, her second so far. Each year I want to try to make it fun but also spiritual and practical. This year we gave her a melamine Sedar Plate and a little book on Passover. By next year I'm hoping to start a little Passover tradition with her.
Then we got all dolled up and went off to church on Resurrection Sunday!
That afternoon we flew over to Josh's family's for more Easter traditions and celebrating!
Mema puts together quite the Easter Egg Hunt all over the house. The kids know some of the usual places but she's great about even stumping them! Addy loved this sooo much. Thanks Mema for a great time!
Ohhhh and we got to celebrate three of the Shelton men's birthdays as well!
Happy Resurrection!!! HE HAS RISEN!! HE HAS RISEN INDEED!!!!
Thanks to all of the family and church family for such a fun year celebrating our Lord's powerful resurrection from the dead, defeating death and giving us eternal life!
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