May brought with it, time with family...
Frozen Yogurt
Time in the great outdoors...
The Farmers Market
Adelynne's first time swinging by herself on a big girl swing (she's hooked)...

Lots of walks in the beautiful spring sunshine...
Baking of our favorite blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries!

More swinging...

Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear Bites

The most beautiful flowers from the Farmer's Market and LOTS of fresh berries...
Celebrating our 7th Wedding Anniversary (9 years together total!)

Addy's first trip to the Zoo with mommy and daddy...
"Daddy LOOK!!!"
A family shopping adventure...

More frozen yogurt...
Falling in love with music...
Our friends wedding that Josh officiated!
Lots of family walks (she needed a break apparently).

Taking Alice to the "doctors..."

Coloring outside with colored pencils...

Planting our garden for the SECOND YEAR!!
Mommy time...

The meal I made Josh to say thank you for planting the garden! Steak, homemade french fries and homemade strawberry lemonade...
Planting a garden is hard work...
Auntie Lizzie had a piano recital. Papa was home for this one! Addy is modeling his army hat...

My 32nd was a very chill day. I made waffles...
Mothers Day!!!

Lovin' her aunties...

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