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Monday, August 11, 2014

Homemade Musical Shakers

Adelynne has been getting more and more into music and dancing these days. She looooves requesting songs. So I decided I would make good use of some empty club soda bottles that were on their way to the recycle bin. I wasn't totally sure how it would work but I had a general idea. I thought I had a skinny funnel, but I didn't. So, Addy's first attempts at putting lentils and rice in the top of the bottle wasn't totally successful. So I decided to hand fill them, which would have taken forever to fill completely, so we settled on just a partial fill. 

 I tape sealed the lid shut and decided one option for the bottles could be some markered art work from Addy. So I let her work on that while I worked on filling the bottles. 
 And then I let her paint the bottles, all the way around however much she wanted to. 

 I tied some ribbons on for extra frills and let them dry. 

 Addy likes using them now to make music!! 

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