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Monday, September 22, 2014

Baked Pumpkin Donuts with Spice Drizzle

I can't help myself. 


I'm a true Northwestern girl who falls in love with everything about this time of year, including the rain. Yup. I said it. 

Moving on...

With some recent car troubles before us, I found myself car less and couldn't make a little coffee shop date with our friend work today. 

So the party moved to our home and I whipped these fun Baked Pumpkin Donuts up in no time, while we started getting caught up. 

I got the inspiration for this recipe here

I used these donut pans and the heart shaped ones as well. 

For the Spice Drizzle, 

I added 1 cup of powdered sugar with about 2 Tbs. milk. I sprinkled in some pumpkin pie spice and whisked it until it was smooth. Then when the donuts came out of the oven I drizzled it over in a 
plaid motion with a spoon. 

Because it was near lunch time I decided we would go for a simple lunch that ended up being orange in theme! So it was actually perfect, since it's almost officially the first day of Fall! 

Hip Hip Hooooooraaaaaayyyy!!

And their baked donuts. 


I justified them being the main part of lunch. 

I couldn't help myself. 

I have no regrets. 

Their baked...did I mention that???

Okay, I'm done justifying. 

And keeping in the spirit of simplicity, we added carrots and oranges for our orange themed lunch. 

(There, I redeemed myself, right?)

We went for a little stroll around the neighborhood and found this beautiful leaf changing colors. I added it to my plate of donuts. 

Life is happy. 


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