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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cocoa Guridelli Shelton Turns Three

Well it seems like yesterday when our foster daughter, Cheyenne and I ventured with our neighbors to our local pet see some cute pets...

and as it turned out...

to fall in love with a very cute beagle who eventually came to our home forever. 

Beags Magee, you are the most high maintenance dog I know yet one look into your cute puppy eyes and floppy ears and MOST of those frustrations about your needy side go away. 

You have been with us through many transitions and have remained loyal. 

You've stuck it out through some changes in kids, marriage, pregnancy. 

You still don't like walks. 

And you still shed A LOT of hair. 


However we celebrated you today Beags. 

Mommy finished cutting up and freezing her big box of apples...

Made a yummy pot of beef stew...

and made you a special treat: 

Peanut Butter Apple Banana Treats

They were kinda my own concoction. 

Your father, sissy and mommy cakes celebrated with you. We sang "Happy Birthday" and had our own human friendly cookies that mommy made. 

I wouldn't trade your HIGH need for CLOSE snuggles, Beags...not for all the gold in the world. 

You're a gem, beagle. 

Happy Third Birthday, Son

Our Four-Legged Toddler, you will always be. 

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