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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Memory Verse, Big Girl Cup and Stamping with Pine Cones and Lego's

I've been blessed to take a few early morning walks on my own this week. It's been hard getting out of bed before the family but it's made me feel so good to wake up with the sun and walk at a faster pace than I get to do when Addy and I walk. 

I mean just look at this...

Addy loves her classroom at church and it makes us so thankful for the amazing teachers and staff that make all that she and the other kiddos experience possible. 

Our latest delight has come in the form of a memory verse. 

It's official. Addy has memorized her first verse of Scripture! 

"How you made me is amazing and wonderful." Psalm 139:14

I had the cutest experience with her that made us both giggle hard. I picked her up from Sunday School and her teachers said she learned a new verse. Of course in that moment, Addy played bashful and didn't want to tell me it. But as soon as we got to the car and all the way home and all the way through lunch, she wanted to tell it to me. 

"Tamazing and Wonderful!!!" (hands in the air).

And then she started saying other pieces of it. 





We're just so thrilled and excited that she is retaining this and communicating it back. 

And what a great verse to memorize first! 

I've been trying to work with her on taking sips from a big girl cup. I will admit this is the sort of mess I don't like cleaning up. Give me paint and sand any day! I don't know what it is, but I just don't prefer drink spills! 

A new craft we have been doing has been painting with different objects. 

Today's art project involved a pine cone we found outside and a cube of lego's and ended with an item from her play kitchen: grapes.

We first picked out our Fall colors of paint: 


We put one color at a time on a paper plate and rolled the pine cone in a bit of it. And then rolled on the paper. I loved the affect it gave. 

We added other colors and then tried stamping some paint on a lego and then stamping on the paper. I loved this even more. And she gets to learn two shapes doing this: circles and squares (the four circles make a square). 

Then we tried the grape cluster. We tried rolling and stamping with it. I didn't enjoy this one quite as much but it was still fun. 

Finished product. 

We added more leaves to our Apple Stamp Project we previously did. I had to fix a twig and it left it looking like a hot glue mess. Now I really like it! 

Lastly, Addy has been going potty on her big girl chair now really consistently for about 3 months. She'll go pee pee about 3 times a day and is just starting to go number 2! 

I had a little giggle when she recently was sitting on the potty chair and reading her new "Bible Book" she got for her birthday. She came to a part about Pharaoh and goes, 

"Pharoah...hmmm cute, yeah." 

"Pharoah's cute?" I said puzzled. 

"Yeah, cute." 

Ohhh goodness, this girl. 

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