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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rainy Days, Stained Glass Leaves, Candy Land and Ice Cream

Some rainy Fall days just have to be satisfied with cuddles and a good book. 

I snapped this picture of Addy in our rocking chair. She has affectionately come to call it, 
"snuggle rocking chair." On this particular day, she gathered some of her favorite books, her favorite bear, Alice and a few blankies and planted herself in the chair while I folded laundry. 

She was simple adorable. 

She read to Alice her new favorite book, 

"If you give a Moose a Muffin." 

"Alice. Moose Muffin. Okay?" she said. 

And some rainy days you attempt a walk in the midst of a break in the weather. 

And get caught in the rain. 

Nevertheless, other rainy days, you make pretty things to hang in your window. 

This craft project began with tracing the biggest leaf I could find on our walk. 

Before I cut it out, we glued on different fall colors of squarely cut tissue paper. 

I placed a dot of glue at different places throughout the leaf and let her pick what color she wanted where. 

Josh came home from work to help us finish it up. 

When we had it covered, I cut it out. 

Rainy days are also great for learning how to play a new board game: Candy Land. 

She beat her Daddy more than once...just sayin'. 

I hung the leaf in our window and it looked like a stained glass window 
when the light shined through. 

And finally, a few pictures of some Adventures with Josh and Addy: 

A Daddy date to the library. 

They both wore camo. 

Josh opted out of the pink accessory color. 

And lastly, sometimes an after dinner trip to the store for ice cream is nothing short of a necessity. 

Thank you Josh and Addy. 

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