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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Painting with BIG marshmallows...

I got this idea from Pinterest (love that site!). It's so simple and lots of fun. Excuse my blurry pictures. I was using my phone and well my phone needs to take a looonnnnnggg walk in the park and get lost forever. But anyhoo...

All you need is BIG campfire marshmallows, paint, a paper plate and paint paper (I like to tape the paper down). I suppose you could also use old newspaper, cardboard, etc for different surfaces. 

I let Addy pick what colors she wanted and let her dip one end of the marshmallow in the paint and put it on the paper. She thought it was silly at first but then got into it. 

 Notice Alice (pink bear) sitting on her chair watching the action. 

 Totally fun activity. The marshmallow gets a bit sticky after a lot of use so it's a good idea to have a few available just in case! It's basically like changing paint brushes. When it dries, you could also add stickers or glitter glue, etc for extra pzazz! 

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