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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Adelynne Rose Turns Two!!!!

Two years has passed since Addy made her grand entrance into our world. 

Parenting has been such a huge humbling, joyful, crazy, intense life experience. 

Books can't tell you everything. 

Nor should they. 

Parenting has changed me, reorganized me and awakened in me a love for a little life that I can't put into words. 

I'm so thankful to have Josh to share this journey with. 

Talk about stretching. 

I try to make this blog more for us and our families and less for the multitudes. It's my way of documenting our times together that I don't want to forget or want Addy to forget. I have said many times that it's my form of scrapbooking that's waaaay cheaper for now. 

Naturally, it's hard to capture the moments where I want to pull my hair out as a mom, but trust me, if you always see kicks and giggles put out there by a parent about their kid, it's most definitely not always reality! 

I live in such a reality. 

These are such fun memories though, shared with Addy. 

We're figuring out this thing together. 

I'm so proud of her, for her brilliance, her tender heart to always want to learn and for her crazy sassy side (totally from her father, I might add...). 

Josh and I love our little girl. We know she is a miracle and a reflection of true beauty and love and creativity found in our God. 

We were so thrilled to find a used kitchen set for her for her 2nd birthday present. We couldn't afford a new one, but this one, after some wiping down, was fantastic and just right for her. 

She received a cute table and chairs set for her birthday as well! 

What fun it was to see her walk down the stairs on the morning of her birthday and literally dance around for joy with her new play set! 

A chef in her natural habitat: 

Addy's choice for her birthday breakfast: 

Berry Sauce

Party Prep:

We went with a farm animal theme for Addy's party. 

She is in love with farm animals, especially cows, pigs, horses, goats, chickens and sheep. 

I had a fun time trying to make the day special for her. 

Here's a few of the ideas:

I picked up a pack of old fashioned milk jars a local craft store and a pack of red and white straws to be little center pieces for our tables. I found cow print table cloths. 

I wrapped the green forks in orange napkins, giving the look of "fresh picked carrots" in the basket. 

We were expecting a large amount of people so I thought big bowls of potluck-picnic style food was best. Thanks to my mom and mother in law for helping provide the food and to our friend Beth for her spectacular farm animal cupcakes (see below). 


Fresh Pico de Gallo (tomatoes from our garden) and Tortilla Chips
Homemade Potato Salad
Crockpot Meatballs with a sweet and savory bbq sauce
Lemonade (served in a large mason jar jug)
Fruit Salad
Bow Tie Pasta Salad
Veggies and Hummus

Here's some pictures to capture her party! Thanks to all of the friends and family who made this such an amazing day for her!! We were very touched by all of the generosity! 

Addy and I were going for a farm girl look...

Playing "Pin the Tail on the Cow." 

Happy 2nd Birthday sweet little one...

We love you :-) 

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